Archives - No. 4/2009all articles

Expenditures on Research and Development in Poland and other countries - diagnosis and attempt evaluation

Andrzej Rozmus | Karolina Cyran
  Abstract: In today\'s market reality is not a secret that economic development is mainly based on new innovations. The most measurable effect of it, is cooperation between universities (science) and world of business. Unfortunately, this co-operation in our country is on a really poor level. There are many indicators that prove such situation. This article is focused on one of them, namely: expenditure on research and development (R & D). The aim of this article is to present problems of financing of R&D in Poland on the background of the European Union. Article is based on data obtained from available literature and analysis of existing research results. It is an attempt to find an answer for the question: what can be done that Poland was not called an anti-leader in the field of expenditure of R & D.
